CYA - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Begin 2023 by honoring our Blessed Mother! Join us for a Vigil Mass on New Year's Eve, and ring in the New Year as a community with a pot luck party afterwards.
Begin 2023 by honoring our Blessed Mother! Join us for a Vigil Mass on New Year's Eve, and ring in the New Year as a community with a pot luck party afterwards.
Meets weekly in the Cathedral cafeteria located at the back of the gym
A Bible study hosted by men from the CYA community, in their own homes. Reach out to the core team or email us at to join the GroupMe for details about upcoming studies, including location.
At St. Mary Cathedral. Confession will also be available.
Join us afterwards for a reception.
Meets weekly in the Cathedral cafeteria located at the back of the gym
A Bible study hosted by men from the CYA community, in their own homes. Reach out to the core team or email us at to join the GroupMe for details about upcoming studies, including location.
Celebrate Advent with us before going home for the holidays! We'll host an Advent party on December 18th after the 5:30pm Mass. Wear your favorite sweater and bring a gift to participate in a fun exchange!
The Salvation Army is in need of volunteers to help distribute gifts for their Angel Tree program for kids in need. Click here for details and to sign up to help.
At St. Mary Cathedral. Confession will also be available.
Join us afterwards for a reception.
Meets weekly in the Cathedral cafeteria located at the back of the gym
A Bible study hosted by men from the CYA community, in their own homes. Reach out to the core team or email us at to join the GroupMe for details about upcoming studies, including location.
We are excited to hold our CYA silent retreat this December 9-11th. Our theme will be “In Your Presence, We Wait”. This silent retreat will be held during Advent and will focus on the aspect of waiting and anticipation in the time of Advent as we look to Christmas. The cost is $120 if paid by November 20 and $150 after. Please follow the links below to sign up for the retreat and to make a payment.
Meets weekly in the Cathedral cafeteria located at the back of the gym
A Bible study hosted by men from the CYA community, in their own homes. Reach out to the core team or email us at to join the GroupMe for details about upcoming studies, including location.
At St. Mary Cathedral. Confession will also be available.
Join us afterwards for a reception.
Meets weekly in the Cathedral cafeteria located at the back of the gym
A Bible study hosted by men from the CYA community, in their own homes. Reach out to the core team or email us at to join the GroupMe for details about upcoming studies, including location.
Meets weekly in the Cathedral cafeteria located at the back of the gym
A Bible study hosted by men from the CYA community, in their own homes. Reach out to the core team or email us at to join the GroupMe for details about upcoming studies, including location.
Mark your calendars for CYA Friendsgiving, happening November 20th after the Sunday 5:30pm Mass! Keep your eyes out for more details coming soon.
See our GroupMe for more details
Come to our next garden work day on November 19th! Water and gardening tools will be provided.
Meets weekly in the Cathedral cafeteria located at the back of the gym
In Partnership with The Diocese of Austin
Young adult outreach in Austin, TX. Get connected to all the coolest Catholic Young Adult events in and around ATX.